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Saturday, July 18, 2020


The Prayer Series


Matthew  6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
"And WHEN thou prayest", not like when you decide to pray but when it's time to pray signifying that Prayer is not subject to conditions, you don't just pray if you feel like to pray then decide not to if don't feel like it. No you pray when it is the right time to pray, my joy is " Every time is the right time to pray, every moment the best moment to pray.
So when thou prayest it says don't do it as the hypocrites do 
seeing that hypocritic ways robs off you rather than adds to you. 
Hypocritic ways=> 
*They love to pray standing in the synagogue and Street corners, that they may be seen of Men. 
writing will not permit me the luxury of explaining to heart content the implications and applications of synagogue and Street corners Nevertheless the emphasis of them both is that all they do is to be seen by Men. 
The Bible says they have their reward.
you who only pray when in gatherings and meetings or you who prays to make an impression to MAN verily I say unto you the sight of Men and their applause is all your reward. "But when thou prayest, enter into thy closet" 
I believe this statement to be figurative because through Scriptures we've been admonished to Pray always and not faint and like I earlier stated every time is the best time and perfect time to pray. Although there should be set times to lock yourself away and have quality time with God which is good yet still at every point in time we we should be setting our gaze upon God in prayer. The text above then is figurative of our hearts (The birthplace of the hypocrites motive for Praying)
How that always our hearts should be locked on God genuinely, not for show, then that fellowship occurring secretly will accumulate unto us prayer rewards.
A prayer reward is the level of faith, realm of fellowship, Authority and stature given by God to all who discipline themselves to seeking Him. 

* They use vain repetitions, for they think they shall be heard for much speaking.
The question I ask when I get to this scripture is if they're not heard for speaking much what are they then heard for?
I'll tell you, we are heard by heaven for the weight we pull. That's why certain people pray and never see results while some others make one decree and tremendous results follow.
Your prayer is not heard just cause you are Sentimental and Emotional, it is heard by the weight you pull mostly accumulated overtime as a cumulative of the prayer rewards you've received that can tilt Heavens balances to your beckoning.
This series will feature Checks and Balances to successful prayer enterprise.
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